Social Responsibility

Oyagbola Chambers and its members are conscious of their privileged status in society and in the world. Daily, we see the struggles and misfortunes of many around us. We also regularly encounter the abundant talent, energy and ambition of young people around us. Young men and women whose greatest desire is to elevate themselves into rich and successful careers and happy lives. We are mortified by the devastation of misfortune and seek to help alleviate the struggles of the unfortunate, where we can. We also believe that we owe a duty to enable talent, dedication and focused ambition, whenever we are equipped to do so. That is why we have committed ourselves to an appreciable yearly amount of pro bono work. It is also why we have joined several others in helping to run and fund a not-for-profit.

Pro Bono

We do pro bono work in two major areas:

Women in Successful Careers (WISCAR)

Senior Partner, Amina Oyagbola founded WISCAR in February 2007. WISCAR is a not for profit organisation set up to help entry to mid-level career women to achieve their full professional and career potential. To achieve this goal, WISCAR set up a structured mentorship programme that incorporates both training and carefully matched individualised mentorship by volunteer mentors who are proven successes in their own fields of endeavour. The training curriculum is focussed on achieving three things, namely:

We at Oyagbola Chambers have been involved with WISCAR right from its foundation, contributing materially and to its faculty as well as helping to raise funds for WISCAR’s programmes. Managing Partner, Bayo Oyagbola is a director, a member of WISCAR’s Advisory Board and one of WISCAR’s faculty contributors.

For more about WISCAR visit its website at